2022 Queens
Lanie Petersen
2022 IRHA Sr. Queen

Lilly Petersen
2022 IRHA Jr. Queen

Queen Contest Information

Contestant must have participated in the May 6 and 7, 2023 shows
Participate in both Saturday (June 17) & Sunday (June 18) of the Prairie Rose Arena show
Contestants must have been a past IRHA member
Winners will be required to participate in ONE additional IRHA show in the current calendar year
Winners will also be eligible to participate in the Iowa State Fair Cowgirl Queen Contest (must be an Iowa resident to enter ISF contest) IRHA will not sponsor entry fees
Senior and Junior queens will be asked to split duties, which include but are not limited too.
Carrying the flag for the National Anthem at shows
Helping hand out awards at the annual award banquet
Participate in IRHA promotional events (example: Iowa Horse Fair)
Be available to assist at shows where needed